Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Free Write 2-12-13

I am so happy! I got a 47 out of 50 on my paper. I know that the instructor helped me with it but I feel I learned a lot from his help and think I will be able to do the next one more on my own. Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it. I just dont want bad weatherr to come in on us tonight. I have to go to my therapy appointment in the morning so the weather has to be nice to me so I wont be so scared to drive in it. I haven't been to therapy in almost 2 months and I feel it. I feel like a big load is on my shoulders and once I go to therepy, it's lifted. Dr Halloway is a wonderful therapist. Most people are happy about their cars, their money, clothes, things of that nature. Me, I'm happy about my therapist, how strange is that? She has kept me from going insane. She has kept me from falling off the deep end since losing Samantha. I can't believe her birthday is in a few months and she would have been 20. Almost losing her 4 years ago still feels like yesterday to me. It feels like I haven't hugged her in forever but the accident seems like it was just days ago. She's so beautiful and had so much to offer this ugly world. I wish I would have had more children. Dallynn is all alone and I hate that for her. The two of them were so close.

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