Thursday, January 31, 2013


I'm really worried about turning in my papers. I got a zero on the last on the summary I turned in and I thought I wrote better than that. I know it was only 10 points but that is 10 points i really need. Dropped my grade down to a low B. I hope I do better on this next one. I've been practicing a little on Twitter but still not sure about the #. Guess I will get that figured out. I'm tired today. I didn't sleep well last night, crazy crazy dreams. I probably stressed myself out too much over homework since that's what I worked on both Tuesday and Wednesday night and without a break until it was time to eat then go to bed. I have a meeting today at the office and I do not want to do it. I can't design handouts so I don't know why i even offered to do that with Chad. i have enough work of my own to do without adding to my plate. I'll give it my best shot and maaybe this meeting will be more productive than it was last time. Tomorrow is a work day so we will be moving file cabinets and arranging other things in the closet. Boy do I have a boring life. Im supposed to write about things but there isn't much to write about. My computer keeps flashing.

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