Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Free Write 1/15/13

I'm a nervous wreck.  Sitting in class with a bunch of younger kids, younger than my daughter and it's been a very long time since I was in class or since I had English Comp 1.  I hope I can do this and I hope to excel at it but I just don't know.  Most everything I will do in this class will be on the computer and I already looked like an idiot by not being able to sign in.  Ugh!!  We are now writing a Free write blog about whatever and I am still ful of nerves.  This will pass I'm sure but until then I feel like I could puke!  The instructor seems pretty cool so that helps.  I thought I lost my blog, another screeen popped up and my heart and stomach sank!  I can do this, I can do this, I just have to keep telling myself this over and over and it will sink in.  I feel like an idiot writing about this but this is what'ss on the top of my head.  Whatever happened to the day of pen and paper?  I love the computer but to check emails, facebook to write papers but i still favor old school pen and paper.  God, I am old, lol.  I will get used to thjis and will be flying trhough it by the time we get into mid semester ofr sooner. I sure wish I had a cup of coffee a vanilla latte from starbucks would be wonderful.  Maybe Thursday I will be able to pick one up before class we will see.  I'm sitting next to a very beautiful young lady with the most gorgeous hair.  I would love to have hair as long and as beautiful as hers.  She seems really nice so I hope to keep sitting by her and we be English buddies , lol.  I am not sure what else I am supposed to write about, the teacher just has us typing away and I don't know where the stopping point is.  Oh it's now! 

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