Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2/19/2013 Free Write

Well, lets talk about my weekend. It was not great. I started having pancreas pains and had to go to the ER on Sunday for pain and naseau medicine. I really thought the pancreatitis flare-ups was over and that I was done with them. I know they are better than they used to be and I should be greatful that it's been almost 2 years since a hospital stay but this illness has taken so much from me. So after getting the pain and naseau medicine I end up with a migraine. That lasted most of yesterday and when it finally eased, I was able to work on my homework. I got what I needed to do done. Christian came by and brought 3 puppies for me to see. I don't know if I want one or not. They are going to give me one free but it's one of the runts and Im not sure I want a runt. They are super cute and sweet but I don't know if they will grow to be big like their parents which is what i want. I also need to decide if I want to deal with house-breaking. Kyia and Oliver are done and I dont have to worry about them chewing things up either. They are out of that stage, a new puppy would go through messing in the house and chewing on things.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

What do I want to chat about today? How about the guilt of not studying for my Algebra quiz last night long enough? I couldn't help it. I was too tired after working out at the gym and I have to go to a tutor for the Algebraic sentences that we are doing now because I just don't understand what I'm supposed to do. Yesterday was a very busy day. I had to go to therapy at 7am then I had to go to work, then to Joplin and to the gym. A very busy day for me. I did however get to spend the afternoon with my best friend since we went to Joplin together for work and had lunch there. It was nice, we don't get to spend enough time together. Wonder if the husband is going to send me flowers today? I dont care if he doesn't but I'm still wondering. We are going to make a Thanksgiving dinner tonight for our Valentine meal. I keep going back and correcting my typing errors even though we are supposed to just type away and not worry about the errors. Guess the more we free write the better we will become. Research papers was just thrown out there in class today. Ugh!!! I hope that is something I can master.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

On Dumpster Diving - 02/12/13

Angela Gossett Response Essay #1 by

Free Write 2-12-13

I am so happy! I got a 47 out of 50 on my paper. I know that the instructor helped me with it but I feel I learned a lot from his help and think I will be able to do the next one more on my own. Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it. I just dont want bad weatherr to come in on us tonight. I have to go to my therapy appointment in the morning so the weather has to be nice to me so I wont be so scared to drive in it. I haven't been to therapy in almost 2 months and I feel it. I feel like a big load is on my shoulders and once I go to therepy, it's lifted. Dr Halloway is a wonderful therapist. Most people are happy about their cars, their money, clothes, things of that nature. Me, I'm happy about my therapist, how strange is that? She has kept me from going insane. She has kept me from falling off the deep end since losing Samantha. I can't believe her birthday is in a few months and she would have been 20. Almost losing her 4 years ago still feels like yesterday to me. It feels like I haven't hugged her in forever but the accident seems like it was just days ago. She's so beautiful and had so much to offer this ugly world. I wish I would have had more children. Dallynn is all alone and I hate that for her. The two of them were so close.